Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Part two; Even Theory

This is a brief overview of what is coming next:-

The postulate is that for every even number there exist AT LEAST ONE pair of primes which when added together will give a sum of the evn number;

the point is to show just how many such pairs there are for every even number, and that is ONLY done by coming up with an equation/statement that satisfies for every even number (..easy peazzy) ; as well as showing WHICH pairs we are talking about, i.e.,  come up with aFOOLPROOF method for unerring identifying a particular number and its complement in the sum as not THE prime pair, or one of a known number of pairs.

Johnny Nash said it could not be done, and they gave him a prize and said he had a "Beautiful Mind"(seen the movie?). Well, I DO the impossible, because they can not be done, so, I will shortly show the solution.